1815, Dine, Sale
- Title
- 1815, Dine, Sale
- Description
Dine was sold by the executors of the estate of the Rev. Joseph Clark (late pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of New Brunswick) in 1815 to George Farmer. Clark had left his estate to wife Margaret Clark (who died shortly after him in 1814) and his children, naming several prominent members of his church as executors of his will.
On April 21, 1814, John Neilson and John Pool, two of the executors of Clark's estate, placed a sale advertisement for two Black women in the New Brunswick newspaper the Fredonian. The ad also mentioned that buyers could inquire with "P. I. Clark" which refers to Joseph Clark's son Peter Imlay Clark, although he was not one of the executors of his father's estate. The text of the ad was as follows:
"For Sale, TWO BLACK WOMEN, Belonging to the estate of Rev. Dr. J. Clark, dec— one in her 25th the other in her 18th year. They are sober, honest, and industrious. For terms enquire of JOHN NEILSON, JOHN POOL, Executers. Or of P.I. CLARK. Also for sale— A CHAIR AND HARNESS. April 21."
Although the ad did not mention the women's names, we are able to identify the women as Grace and Dine based on related receipts that were preserved in the Neilson Family Papers at Rutgers Special Collections and University Archives. Dine was the younger of the two women, aged approximately 17 when the ad was published.
It took approximately a year for the executors to complete Dine's sale. George Farmer paid 75 dollars for Dine to John Neilson. On April 17, 1815, John Neilson delivered the payment of 75 dollars for the sale to Hannah, the daughter of the late Joseph Clark. This was part of Hannah's inheritance. Hannah Clark issued John Neilson a receipt for the money.
The following is a transcript of the receipt:
"New Brunswick 17th April 1815
Received from John Neilson seventy five
dollars received by him as Excr of the
est. of Revd. Docr Jos. Clark from George
Farmer for black girl Dine sold by
the Executor to the said Geo Farmer
Hannah Clark" - Identifier
- NJS-EVE-00671
- Action Status
- https://www.onthesegrounds.org/s/OTG/item/546
- Date
- 21 April 1814 – 17 April 1815
- Date Certainty
- https://www.onthesegrounds.org/s/OTG/item/550
- Source
- Sale ad for two Black women from the estate of Joseph Clark. Fredonian. April 21, 1814.
- Receipt to John Neilson for the sale of Dine. April 17, 1815. Neilson Family Papers, 1768-1908 (MC 933). Box 4, Folder 27: Rev Jos Clark: estate papers, John Neilson, adm. Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries.
- Related Event
- 1814, Grace, Sale
- Primary Participant
- Dine (b. 1797)
- Primary Participant Description
- black girl Dine
- Freedom Status
- https://www.onthesegrounds.org/s/OTG/item/553
- Age
- Young Adult
- 18
- Seller
- John Neilson (1745-1833)
- Currency
- dollar
- Price
- 75
- Source Resource
- https://records.njslavery.org/api/items/3704
- Source Site
- https://records.njslavery.org/s/doc/page/home
- Sex
- Female
- Contributor
- Jesse Bayker
Linked resources
Part of 1815, Dine, Sale